this is me...imperfect

on this blog i tend not to capitalize things. i know it really upsets some people, but this is my rant blog. this is the trials and tribulations (i.e. randomness) of my life, and so this is the only place i get to be lazy about something...i'm not perfect, please bear with me.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Ah, the world is too much with me
and my heavy heart fights fast to breathe
Sit silently beneath a full black sky
it's languid sheath, vitality lacking, not a star in sight
But my mind runs thick with thoughts of grandeur
as my feet stand on humble ground

If she, of eloquent speech, could feel this fate
and taste the air of this night a shudder would rise
As this starless canopy cannot quell the realization of this mortal shell
Forgive me not with the morning sun, but rather a day from now
when memory is dim and slights are not so heavy handed
To carry this weight would test the strength of Atlas
and leave Poseidon drowning in his calmest seas

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